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What is p5.toio?

p5.toio is a library for toio™ in p5.js environment. A lot of APIs on toio can be used with just simple steps as we see later. Now, we have beta-version(0.8.0).

By using this library, we can start immediately controlling toio™Core Cube like sample below. Please refer to Environment for the system requirements.
OpenProcessing: p5.toio Basic Sample

How to play samples on OpenProcessing

  1. Turn a toio™Core Cube on.
  2. Open sample URL and click/tap on Canvas.
    1. p5.toio samples mostly use mouseClicked to connect.
  3. Select a Cube from a list.

Class Structure

p5.toio consists of 2 classes P5tCube and P5tId. P5tCube class supplies a lot of APIs and utilities enable us to control toio™Core Cube easily. Please refer to the P5tCube class interfaces from here. P5tId class includes APIs and properties on toioIDs printed on toio™'s mats, cards, stickers and so on. See interfaces from here for P5tId.


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