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Event listning

To get notification from toio™Core Cube

This library supplies 2 methods, addEventListener and definition of callback, to recieve notification from connected Cube.

Example: addEventListner

// Button press event
const type = 'buttonpress';
cube?.addEventListener(type, ()=>{
// Posture change event
const type = 'sensorposturechange';
cube?.addEventListener(type, (posture)=>{
console.log(type, posture);

p5.js Web Editor Sample: addEventListner

Example: Definition of callback

If you define callback functions as below, it will call when notified.

const cubePositionIdChanged = (info) => {
console.log('cubePositionIdChanged!', info);

const cubeStandardIdChanged = (info) => {
console.log('cubeStandardIdChanged!', info);

p5.js Web Editor Sample: Callback definition

Here are the all callback function name.

const onButtonPressed();
const onButtonReleased();
const onBatteryLevelChanged(batteryLevel: number);
const onFlatChanged(flat: boolean);
const onCollisionOccurred();
const onDoubleTapped();
const onPostureChanged(posture: string);
const onShakeLevelChanged(shakelevel: number);
const onPositionIdChanged(info: positionIdInfo);
const onStandardIdChanged(info: standardIdInfo);